Query Metrics

4 Database Queries
4 Different statements
3.95 ms Query time
75 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 3.04 ms
SELECT AS id_0, t0_.permis AS permis_1, t0_.titulaire AS titulaire_2, t0_.type_permis AS type_permis_3, t0_.status AS status_4, t0_.date_octroi AS date_octroi_5, t0_.date_expiration AS date_expiration_6, t0_.carres AS carres_7, t0_.localisation AS localisation_8, t0_.code AS code_9, t0_.libelle AS libelle_10, t0_.created_at AS created_at_11, t0_.updated_at AS updated_at_12, t0_.deleted_at AS deleted_at_13, t0_.operateur_id AS operateur_id_14, t0_.province_id AS province_id_15, t0_.arrete_id AS arrete_id_16, t0_.projet_id AS projet_id_17, t0_.gisement_id AS gisement_id_18, t0_.user_id AS user_id_19 FROM titre_minier t0_ WHERE t0_.type_permis = ?
2 0.36 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.nom AS nom_2, t0.code AS code_3, t0.unite AS unite_4, t0.created_at AS created_at_5, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_6, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_7, t0.user_id AS user_id_8 FROM filiere t0
3 0.21 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.nom AS nom_2, t0.code AS code_3, t0.created_at AS created_at_4, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_5, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_6, t0.user_id AS user_id_7 FROM categorie t0
4 0.33 ms
SELECT AS id_1, t0.nom AS nom_2, t0.code AS code_3, t0.superficie AS superficie_4, t0.chef_lieu AS chef_lieu_5, t0.population AS population_6, t0.created_at AS created_at_7, t0.updated_at AS updated_at_8, t0.deleted_at AS deleted_at_9, t0.user_id AS user_id_10 FROM province t0 WHERE = ?

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\TitreMinier#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\TitreMinier#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Operateur#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Operateur#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Province#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Province#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\Arrete#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\Arrete#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Projet#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Projet#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Gisement#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Gisement#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\User#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\User#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Impact\Environemental#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Impact\Environemental#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Amodiation#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Amodiation#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Transformation#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Transformation#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Cession#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Cession#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Transfert#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Transfert#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Option#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Option#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\ContratPrincipal#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\ContratPrincipal#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\ContratRelatif#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\ContratRelatif#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Filiere#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Filiere#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Commodite#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Commodite#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Etd#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Etd#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Zea#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Zea#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Categorie#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Categorie#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\FormeJuridique#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\FormeJuridique#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Ville#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Ville#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Acquisition#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Acquisition#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Membre#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Membre#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\InformationEmploi#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\InformationEmploi#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Actionnariat\Investissement#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Actionnariat\Investissement#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\Taxe#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\Taxe#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\Redevance#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\Redevance#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\Rapatriement#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\Rapatriement#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\EtatFinancier#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\EtatFinancier#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\Paiement#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\Paiement#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\BesoinEnergetique#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\BesoinEnergetique#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Contribution#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Contribution#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\InformationFinanciere#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Obligation\InformationFinanciere#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Actionnariat\PartActionnaire#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Actionnariat\PartActionnaire#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Actionnariat\PartInvestisseur#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Actionnariat\PartInvestisseur#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Impact\Accident#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Impact\Accident#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Impact\Mst#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Impact\Mst#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Impact\Pollution#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Impact\Pollution#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field 'App\Entity\Emine\Production\VenteLocal#quantite' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Production\VenteLocal#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Production\VenteLocal#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Estat\Projection\Projection#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Estat\Projection\Projection#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Production\Production#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Production\Production#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field 'App\Entity\Emine\Production\Exportation#quantite' has the property type 'float' that differs from the metadata field type 'string' returned by the 'decimal' DBAL type.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Production\Exportation#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Production\Exportation#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Estat\Autres\Usine#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Estat\Autres\Usine#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\SousSecteur#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\SousSecteur#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Mandataire#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Mandataire#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\BesoinIntrant#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\BesoinIntrant#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Site#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Site#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Agrement#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Agrement#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\CahierDeCharge#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\CahierDeCharge#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\TypeArrete#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\TypeArrete#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\ComitePilotage#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\ComitePilotage#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Extraction#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Extraction#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Traitement#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Traitement#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Mine#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Mine#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Estat\Autres\RessourceEntreprise#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Estat\Autres\RessourceEntreprise#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Estat\Autres\ReserveEntreprise#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Estat\Autres\ReserveEntreprise#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Reserve#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Reserve#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Ressource#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Activite\Ressource#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\TypeCommodite No errors.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Actionnariat\Pays#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Actionnariat\Pays#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\PartContrat#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\PartContrat#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\TypeContrat#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\TypeContrat#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\TypeDocument#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\TypeDocument#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\EntiteGouvernementale#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\CadreJuridique\EntiteGouvernementale#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Localisation#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Operateur\Localisation#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\CoursMoyensDesMetaux#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\CoursMoyensDesMetaux#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Estat\Autres\DecouverteReserve#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Estat\Autres\DecouverteReserve#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Estat\Autres\DecouverteRessource#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Estat\Autres\DecouverteRessource#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Estat\Autres\ReserveHistorique#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Estat\Autres\ReserveHistorique#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Estat\Autres\RessourceHistorique#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Estat\Autres\RessourceHistorique#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Comite#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Comite#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Entreprise#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\Entreprise#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\EtdSecondaire#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\EtdSecondaire#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\DepenseEtd#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\DepenseEtd#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.
  • The field App\Entity\Emine\Autres\ProjetEtd#user is on the owning side of a bi-directional relationship, but the specified inversedBy association on the target-entity App\Entity\User#user does not contain the required 'mappedBy="user"' attribute.
  • If association App\Entity\Emine\Autres\ProjetEtd#user is many-to-one, then the inversed side App\Entity\User#user has to be one-to-many.